Category: best practices

How Often Should You Shut Down Your Computer?

To determine how often you should shut down your computer, you need to consider several factors, including the type of computer, its usage, and your specific needs. Shutting down your computer occasionally is essential...

Top 10 Reasons to Go Paperless

Managing a business looks much different now than it did a decade ago. As the world becomes increasingly more digital every day, businesses must adapt in order to stay relevant to its employees and...

SSID’s Less is More

It’s a familiar scenario worldwide for mobile device users: We take them to the coffee shop; click “WiFi” for an automatic connection, or maybe select from a handful of ‘service set identifiers’ (SSIDs) within...

7 Powerful Uses of Technology in Business Today

Modern-day businesses have never seen a more streamlined, convenient, and affordable meansto collaborate with teams, employees, managers, or business partners — thanks to technology. These days, almost every industry you can think of utilizes...