Category: security

4 Ways to Protect Your Company From Hackers

Small businesses are targeted by 43% of hackers because they often lack the same level of security as larger businesses. Companies may be vulnerable to a variety of attacks, including:   Denial of Service   Malware   Trojans...

6 Essential IT Security Services

As with any well-built system, effective cyber security begins with building a solid security foundation. Without thoughtful attention to building a good foundation, a business will remain vulnerable to hacks and breaches until they...

Backup Data Offsite to Thwart Cyber Criminals

Time and time again, managed service providers have stressed the importance of completing regular data backups, even for very small businesses. As even these small businesses have come to rely on their data more...

4 Common Threats to a Business’ Data

For a business to run smoothly, it has to account for any potential threat to its regular operations. And with companies working online now more than ever, the internet can pose a significant threat....