HIPAA Compliant IT Support And Its Value To Your Business

hipaa compliant it support and its value to your business

When you run or work at a healthcare practice, regardless of the size of the business, you know the importance of HIPAA compliant IT support. The HIPAA Act protects the private information of your clients which is a good thing. But it doesn’t come without its annoyances. One of those is making sure that all of the third-party businesses you interact with, like accountants, IT firms, billing firms, and legal firms are also HIPAA compliant. If your business is in New York City or Long Island, you can find HIPAA compliant IT support at AE Technology Group.

HIPAA Compliant IT Support And Its Value To Your Business

One example of why HIPAA and the HITECH Act are so important is the Anthem security breach of 2015. At the time, hackers stole private information of close to 80 million customers and former customers. This information excluded credit card information and health information but included names, phone numbers, home addresses, and Social Security numbers.

According to an article from Modern Healthcare,

“The FBI is still investigating the attack, and so far has found no evidence that Anthem members’ data have been sold, shared or used fraudulently… Anthem provided two years of credit monitoring to those who were affected.”

If this can happen to a company like Anthem, the second largest healthcare provider in North America, it is all the more important to make sure you are doing your due diligence in hiring a HIPAA compliant IT firm to help with your IT needs. For more information about HIPAA compliant IT, contact us.

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